Saturday 19 November 2011

Fruit Bowl, Early Revision, Week 1-3

Modelled by Dan Wade.
November 29:
I am starting to revise my light setup. There are two new rim lights, one along the side of the far right banana and another focused on the orange to exaggerate the white specular highlight. I have added bump maps to both bananas to create depth in the bruises. I am currently working on textures for the grapes and cherries, to see if more detail can be seen at this distance from the camera. By the end of the week I plan to test render the shaders and finalize my light set-up. The bottles and self-made glass shader will have to wait.

With a closer cropped camera and re-positioned bottles this week, I'm struggling to revise the banana texture. I have done a few passes with an older spotted banana, but found it difficult to place the dots in a natural looking way. Now I plan to work in layers to paint the stem and add some age this way.The glass is a downloaded shader, I will return to it later with my own shading network, (to the emphasize colour and surface thicknesses of each bottle individually). I've added more light to see the textures that I'm working on and adjusted the maps of most of the fruit. The plums, apple and pear have reflection maps and bump mapping. Only, the pear looks flat right now and the orange is plastic-looking. As well, I'm trying to match the lighting conditions in this reference picture. See the specular highlight on the pink lady apple.

I've started to revise the light set-up; this version has a spotlight as the key light. It looks too even and dull at this stage, it will be a bright mid-day scene when I am finished. Also testing out the resolution of the apple and pear textures, and re-cutting the blanket UV. 

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